【SME Onsite Academic Seminar】Computational Design Science: A Critical Information Systems Research Area Contributing to Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
Dear All,
You are cordially invited to an onsite academic seminar to be delivered by Prof. Xiao Fang on June 19 (Wednesday). Details could be found below.
Seminar Information
Time and Date: 02:00 pm - 03:30 pm, June 19, 2024 (Wednesday)
Venue: Room 205, Teaching A Building
Speaker: Prof. Xiao Fang (University of Delaware)
Topic: Computational Design Science: A Critical Information Systems Research Area Contributing to Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
Zoom Access
Link: https://cuhk-edu-cn.zoom.us/j/3985407949?pwd=QnZJMHU3SDUwaFdtWTF6N3RWcGlMdz09
Meeting ID: 398 540 7949
Passcode: 779898
The seminar would be recorded.
About the Speaker
Xiao Fang is Professor of Management Information Systems and JPMorgan Chase Senior Fellow at Lerner College of Business & Economics and Institute for Financial Services Analytics, University of Delaware. He also holds a courtesy appointment at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Delaware. His current research focuses on GenAI, financial technology, and healthcare analytics, with methods and tools drawn from reference disciplines including Management Science (e.g., Optimization) and Computer Science (e.g., Machine Learning). He has published in business journals including Management Science, Operations Research, MIS Quarterly, and Information Systems Research as well as computer science outlets such as ACM Transactions on Information Systems and IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. Professor Fang received the 2017 INFORMS ISS Design Science Award. He co-founded the INFORMS Workshop on Data Science in 2017 and the Summer Workshop on AI for Business (SWAIB) in 2024. He currently serves as a Senior Editor for MIS Quarterly.
Computational design science (CDS) aims to develop novel computational algorithms and methods to solve important business and societal problems with impact. CDS is not only a critical information systems (IS) research area but also a unique and crucial area where IS can make significant contributions to artificial intelligence (AI) and data science. Despite the great relevance and impact of CDS, its importance is not fully recognized in the IS discipline, due to the following confining issues. First, a clear understanding of what constitutes CDS research and its contributions is lacking in the IS knowledge base. In particular, no specific guidelines and well-articulated standards are available to guide and foster CDS research and evaluate its contributions. Second, there are no explicit elaborations of the identify of CDS research. While technical IS scholars have a good sense of CDS research, the community at large tends to confuse it with machine learning research in computer science or other fields (e.g., marketing), which precludes the community from recognizing its relevance and significance in IS collectively. In this talk, I will show the connection between CDS and AI and data science, thereby providing a pathway for IS research to make substantial contributions to AI and data science. I will also clarify what constitutes CDS research and its contributions and elaborate the unique identity of CDS research. My talk is illustrated with two CDS research projects.